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ARIA Tool Enhancement: Integrating TreeScan Signal Identification Capabilities

    Basic Details
    Date Posted

    The aim of this methods project was to make major enhancements to the Active Risk Identification and Analysis (ARIA) tools to enable detection capabilities to integrate existing, separate TreeScan code into a single program for continued development, and enhancement of the ARIA system.

    Workgroup Leader(s)

    April Duddy, MPH; Judith C. Maro, PhD; Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

    Workgroup Member(s)

    Austin Cosgrove; Jolene Damon, MPH; Sandra DeLuccia, MPH; Jenny Hochstadt, MSc; Joy Kolonoski, MPH; Ella Pestine, MPH; Andrew Petrone, MPH; Rong Chen Tilney, MS; Justin Vigeant; Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA