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Medicare Claims Synthetic Public Use Files in Sentinel Common Data Model Format

    Basic Details
    Date Posted

    Sentinel has made available the CMS 2008-2010 Data Entrepreneurs’ Synthetic Public Use Files (SynPUFs) in the Sentinel Common Data Model (SCDM) format. This transformation of data allows for the running of Sentinel's Routine Querying System tools, including the Cohort Identification and Descriptive Analysis (CIDA) tool, on the SynPUFs data. The CMS SynPUFs are available in the form of 20 mutually exclusive datasets, which together make up a 5% sample of the entire CMS database from 2008-2010. Each of the 20 datasets contains about 110,000 members. The intended use of these data in SCDM format is to generate familiarity with the CIDA tool and its capabilities and to allow for methodological expansion.

    Navigate to Sentinel's SynPUFs Software Toolkit for more information on use of SCDM-formatted SynPUFs, the 20 formatted datasets, and a demonstration CIDA package that can be run on the SynPUFs datasets.

    Time Period
    January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010
    Population / Cohort
    Individuals 18 years of age or older
    Data Source(s)
    SCDM-formatted SynPUFs