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Characterizing Medication Use Patterns Among Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Patients with COVID-19 in the Sentinel System

    Basic Details

    Pregnancy may increase the risk of developing severe illness associated with COVID-19. Several studies have reported higher hospitalizations and complications among pregnant patients with COVID-19, but medication use in these patients has not been well-described.

    This presentation implements the CONSIGN protocol (COVID-19 infection and medicines in pregnancy) as part of an international collaboration to characterize COVID-19 severity and assess outpatient medication use patterns in 30 days prior to or after COVID-19 diagnosis in pregnancies with COVID-19, and matched pregnancies without COVID-19. It was presented at the 39th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management.


    Mayura Shinde, Austin Cosgrove, Jolene Mosley, Maria Kempner, David Cole, Jennifer G. Lyons, Elizabeth Messenger-Jones, Emma Hoffman, José J. Hernández-Muñoz, Danijela Stojanovic, Leyla Sahin, Yueqin Zhao, Ben Wong, Susan Andrade, Darren Toh, Wei Hua