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A Review of the Performance of Different Methods for Propensity Score Matched Subgroup Analyses and a Summary of their Application in Peer-Reviewed Research Studies

    Basic Details

    The authors of this article conducted a systematic literature review of methods papers that compared the performance of alternative methods to implement propensity score matched subgroup analyses and examined how frequently different propensity score matching methods have been used for subgroup analyses in applied studies.


    Shirley V. Wang PhD, ScM, Mengdong He MS, Yinzhu Jin MS, MPH, Richard Wyss PhD, HoJin Shin MS, Yong Ma PhD, MS, Stephine Keeton PhD, Bruce Fireman MA, Sara Karami PhD, MPH, Jacqueline M. Major PhD, Sebastian Schneeweiss MD, ScD, Joshua Gagne PharmD, ScD

    Corresponding Author

    Shirley V. Wang, PhD, ScM; Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Email: