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Utilization of Beta-blockers Among the Pediatric Population in the United States: A Study in the FDA’s Sentinel System from 2008 to 2022

    Basic Details

    Beta-blockers are only approved for two pediatric indications in the United States (i.e., hypertension and hemangioma), but are commonly used for a variety of off-label conditions. Little is known about the magnitude and patterns of their use in the pediatric population.

    This poster examines utilization patterns of beta-blockers among the pediatric population in the United States. It was presented at the 39th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management.


    Yan Li, Meg Her, Efe Eworuke, Mohamed Mohamoud, José J. Hernández-Muñoz, Ivone Kim, Jennifer W. Thompson, James W. Antoon, John G. Connolly