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Nursing Home Facility HCPCS Codes

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    Summary table assessment of 15 nursing home facility Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes including, "Ventilation Assist and Management, Nursing Facility, Per Day" (HCPCS code 94004),  "Initial Nursing Facility Care Per Day, for Evaluation and Management, Low Severity" (HCPCS code 99304), "Initial Nursing Facility Care Per Day, for Evaluation and Management, Moderate Severity" (HCPCS code 99305), "Initial Nursing Facility Care Per Day, for Evaluation and Management, High Severity" (HCPCS code 99306), "Subsequent Nursing Facility Care Per Day for Evaluation and Management of Patient in Stable Condition" (HCPCS code 99307), "Subsequent Nursing Facility Care Per Day for Evaluation and Management of Patient who has developed a Minor Complication" (HCPCS code 99308), "Subsequent Nursing Facility Care Per Day for Evaluation and Management of Patient with New Problem" (HCPCS code 99309), "Subsequent Nursing Facility Care Per Day for Evaluation and Management of Patient who is Unstable or has Developed a New Problem" (HCPCS code 99310), "Nursing Facility, Discharge Day Management, 30 Minutes or Less" (HCPCS code 99315), "Nursing Facility, Discharge Day Management, More than 30 Minutes" (HCPCS code 99316), "Evaluation and Management of Patient involving an Annual Nursing Facility Assessment" (HCPCS code 99318), "Physician Supervision of a Nursing Facility Patient (Patient Not Present) 15-29 Minutes" (HCPCS code 99379), "Physician Supervision of a Nursing Facility Patient (Patient Not Present) 30 Minutes or More" (HCPCS code 99380), "Hospice Care provided in Nursing Long Term Care Facility or Non-Skilled Nursing Facility" (HCPCS code Q5003), and "Hospice Care provided in Skilled Nursing Facility" (HCPCS code Q5004) in the Mini-Sentinel Distributed Database. Results were generated using the Mini-Sentinel Distributed Query Tool and the HCPCS Summary Table. Summary tables are precompiled stratified counts.  Queries were executed in June 2013. This report includes data from 17 Data Partners. Queries were run in the inpatient, outpatient, emergency department, and any setting.

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    Additional Details
    FDA Center
    Time Period
    2000 - 2012
    Analysis Type
    Summary Table
    Data Sources
    Mini-Sentinel Distributed Database (MSDD)